@danbri @RReverser Also. But it comes up in other metadata contexts, like the Web App Manifest: https://t.co/SGLqSzycpw.
@HenrikJoreteg @DasSurma Pinging @reillyeon for Web Serial, and Web USB. And Web SCSI and Web PCMCIA 😂. Everything Web * really. @petele has written the Web Serial codelab: https://t.co/ZDXMkk1lRR.
@alexandracaulea Happy the article was helpful! Nice dark mode implementation!
RT @alexandracaulea: I’ve decided to experiment a bit with prefers-color-scheme CSS media feature.
As a good reference to read and follow…
RT @thespite: There you go, a Virtual Webcam extension for Chrome
Have fun and please be responsible! https://t.co…
@gsnedders @saschaplas XSLT was (at least) okay, too. The issue back then was that the juicier functions weren’t implemented in browsers.
@mahemoff Fully agree, that’s why I wrote “technicallyâ€. 😃 (Technically some widgets are customizable by the way.) https://t.co/gtzVDwdwo5
@mahemoff Technically widgets are very much a thing on iOS, just not on the home screen but only in the Today View: https://t.co/hESSyHQnDz.
RT @v8js: Logical &&= assignment ||= feature ??= explainer 🔥 https://t.co/TMLBYSQgFU
In which @_shu shows how to use a new ECMAScript synt…