RT @HenrikJoreteg: This Project Fugu tracker doc makes me very, very happy:
@kdzwinel Congratulations on the family extension!
@bramus @shadeed9 Seems like the mobile Safari data on https://t.co/lqzDGFuzsp is wrong (claims support, but it’s not working). Have you filed a @webkit bug? https://t.co/El8Mq4hvlC
RT @Una: This was a fun post 🥰
Making pure CSS games with counter increment!
@jaffathecake @WebReflection @scottjehl Yepp, mine, too. Trailing slash/
RT @pwabuilder: The 0.5 version of the pwa-inking web component is here! 🎉https://t.co/KskZwTHmII uses low-latency canvas rendering with t…
RT @MylesBorins: Experimental support for `Top-Level Await` just landed in @nodejs core!
Amazing work @devsnek
Should go out with the ne…