@SRobTweets It wasn’t that hard: https://t.co/p7OmIOC7iG 😃
Powerful and super honest post by @SRobTweets on imposter syndrome ⤵ï¸. It hits all of us, don’t you worry! Bonus: I dug out the “Yelp for APIs†Sarah mentions in the post—it’s still up and running: https://t.co/bTgAnT1R5S. 💠https://t.co/
@bradeeoh @simevidas @vjrngn @getify A lot of people ask these questions, so I’ve written a paper about this: https://t.co/A7rVyX9fEB. It also covers the changes Brady mentions: https://t.co/AIUQAPxNDA (SFAuthenticationSession).
@JecelynYeen @eleven_ty @Firebase Great work on the site, love the design. For the toggle: we offer one that’s used on https://t.co/O7cvLmJyPc, too: https://t.co/aAKDi3Kiov. Looks like you’re good already, though.