Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

September 9th, 2022

I asked: “Is…

const emptyElement = el => {
while (el.hasChildNodes()) {

…faster than setting the `innerHTML` to an empty string?”

Turns out browsers have optimized the sh1t out of DOM operations i

via Twitter Web App

I dislike the word “lineup” since it’s usually people humble-bragging about the events they speak at. Today I’m one of them 🫣. I mean, really, look at this set of speakers!

via Twitter Web App

10 Go to Notifications.
20 See notification about recent tweet of person I follow.
30 Click “See less often”.
40 GOTO 10

What really grinds my gears… â@Twitterwitter, I follow these folks for a reason. No point in showing me their recent twee

via Twitter Web App

@tanepiper @slightlylate That’s an awesome demo! Just added it to the 🐡 Project Fugu API Showcase:

via Twitter Web App

@ianwill93 @CrosExperts @Google Not sure how this would work. You would share something to the extension, but how would the extension accept it? In a popup window? In what tab?

via Echofon in reply to ianwill93

RT @sw12: 🔢 We made a series of videos to explain Chrome concepts:

• What are Chrome release channels?
• What are Chrome’s origin trials?…

via Echofon

@1Marc Is…

export const emptyElement = el => {
while (el.hasChildNodes()) {

…faster than setting the `innerHTML` to an empty string?

via Echofon in reply to 1Marc

RT @1Marc: When I launched the modernized version of vanilla JavaScript TodoMVC, it got 600+ GitHub stars. People were generally positive,…

via Echofon

@argyleink Neat. I remember `calc()`ing this with the `ex` unit and a magic multiplier. Not great. Having `lh` directly is way better! 💏

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@patrickbrosset @ChromeDevTools @jecfish Do you think we can do anything about the Web Share Target testing? The solution would need to work on desktop and on connected mobile devices with port forwarding.

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