@Semmel_Of_Nine Oh, good one. Let me investigate tomorrow. Thanks!
@simonw With one big difference to existing solutions: https://t.co/dE2keur65t.
RT @ChromiumDev: @tomayac The origin private file system is supported by Chrome 🛞, Safari 🧠(https://t.co/gZD1NQJaYB), and support for it i…
RT @ChromiumDev: @tomayac 💀 The #SQLite based Wasm library to replace Web SQL won’t be backed by IndexedDB, but by the origin private file…
@samthor @simevidas This library would not be powered by IndexedDB, but by the origin private file system, and specifically access handles for optimized performant read/write access: https://t.co/xvBuiL0L5I. (Yes, supported by Safari, and in development i