A proposal for using Service Workers to improve cookie management on the Web: https://t.co/0GS65trBB9 🪠#ChromeDevSummit
Lyfts stats about the different sizes of their native iOS and Android apps vs. their Progressive Web App are mind-blowing. #ChromeDevSummit https://t.co/PbtUTvrXzM
Progressive Web App checklist launched at #ChromeDevSummit: https://t.co/SPrYxbAVip https://t.co/FwbltuXQm6
RT @ericlaw: WebComponents toolbox https://t.co/y4tHyvkxV4
Browser Bug Searcher allows developers to search for bugs across all the major browser vendors: https://t.co/GBDcHbLQBK 🔠#ChromeDevSummit
RT @ChromiumDev: Can’t make it to Opening Keynote of #ChromeDevSummit? 🔽 We’re streaming it live now!💉https://t.co/kI3semamvs
Tool to produce CSS gradient fallbacks for an image that resembles the original https://t.co/R2CQ8Gr5JW, inspired by https://t.co/p2B3HnzCd0
ChromeDevTools console.table(obj, [propName1, propName2]) makes for easy browsing of objects. pic.twitter.com/m1MvqYjKeV
Great collection of PaymentRequest API examples: https://t.co/slrpLLCLyH 💶💳 See the full Payment Request API spec: https://t.co/AflgZfDRQX