dalmaer NASA now has a PWA! code.nasa.gov #ChromeDevSummit
1st peek of sw-framework library by @jeffposnick at #ChromeDevSummit to unite sw-toolbox & sw-precache functionality https://t.co/fZmHhmS7Ve
Better tooling support that warns you when you are about to 🔫 in the 💣 is greatly needed—@addyosmani’s RfC: https://t.co/wh2RzbPB6O https://t.co/dgsFminC9N
Key performance points that you should be tracking for optimal website performance, useful reminder by @addyosmani. #ChromeDevSummit https://t.co/ZHZ4hn0bs0
@robertnyman Nooooo :-( But thanks for the pointer and reply.
Great set of Progressive Web App documentation resources, put together by the Opera team. https://t.co/yCia8IXEow
@robertnyman Hi Robert. Where did you buy it? Somewhere close to SF Jazz Center? Tak!
MSEdgeDev Our Edge engineers are at #ChromeDevSummit again today if you want to chat! @jacobrossi @rachelnabors @auchenberg @patrickkettner
Exciting news from the @AMPhtml team, looking forward to learning the specifics. AMP cache URL “lock-in†is feedback that comes up often. https://t.co/B5Kjhv2ZFX
Live CSS coverage test for webpages. This is such a useful feature to have. Wishlist: above-the-fold coverage analysis, @ChromeDevTools ðŸ™ðŸ½ https://t.co/toTrqcNzaa
jonathandavis @abraham the WebKit team is looking at Service Workers. It is in fact under consideration.
Can we get @jonathandavis a big red 🚨 “I’m here†helmet? Apple  are seeking the dialogue. ðŸ’🻠#ChromeDevSummit @WebKit https://t.co/EJF8re6Udi
jaffathecake youtu.be/4bZvq3nodf4 this talk by @slightlylate brilliantly shows why phones can’t use all of the CPU they have on paper.
RT @kdzwinel: Inline breakpoints in @ChromeDevTools are a killer feature. Something that I know I’ll use every day. https://t.co/IEHiRYEl3n
HTTPS transparency report: https://t.co/NPMKI85uxQ 🔠#ChromeDevSummit
Dark Silicon & the End of Multicore Scaling https://t.co/t7bBQfOWRi Paper mentioned by @slightlylate at #ChromeDevSummit—Desktop≠Mobile CPUs
Emojineer @notwaldorf shows some cool tools like polydev https://t.co/j4yfq1QyTL and <demo-snippet> https://t.co/JXoJFOF48g #ChromeDevSummit