@algermissen +1. So annoying having to look postings up using a Web search engine of ones choice (+w3c +public +$random +mailing list).
RT @rtroncy: @arnaudbrousseau presenting a decision support tool before developing a web application, a native app or a shell app http: …
#JSconfEU ticket? Check! See you there: jsconf.eu/2011/. Thanks to the ones who make the awesome possible!
@wizonesolutions It’s pedantic, it’s ironic, it’s useless, but hopefully it’s fun. Go get that counter-pedantry started ;-)
RT @rtroncy: @arnaudbrousseau “Study of User Interfaces & Tech Stacks for Mobile & Desktop Web Applications” intern at #Google w/ @tomayac
Congrats @arnaudbrousseau to the successful defense of his Master’s thesis! “If you#GoogleGoogle, not suppo#Androidndroid isn’t an option†;-)
The slides from my #EURECOM invited talk this morning are avail. at http://t.co/V3vOZi8 (compact form of http://t.co/w6PfZRN) CC: @rtroncy
Schedule for today: 1) talk at #EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France on invitation by @rtroncy. 2) Master’s thesis defense of @arnaudbrousseau.