Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

September 20th, 2011

@fabien_gandon Thanks! No big surprises, the usual suspects ;-)

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@rtroncy @fabien_gandon Meh, #Wordle needs #Java these days? Lame… Could anyone convert the tag cloud to some useful format?

via Echofon

Stream+ is an app built on top of the API that classifies your posts via machine learning: (via @RWW)

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RT @r_macdonald: #webtvws @WebVTT demos of HTML5 video captioning using <track> element with

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@agebhard I see room for optimization in between the 03:15 and 04:00 interval. Make that 03:15 a 03:50, works perfect for me ;-)

via Echofon in reply to agebhard