RT @pablomendes: #DBpedia #Spotlight v0.5 released at spotlight.dbpedia.org/dev/demo/. We plan to switch to prod. next week. // +1. Will test tomorrow.
@RubenVerborgh @dvdeurse Bedankt! Any background information on the “tags� What are those technically?
Compilation of all slide decks shown at the #SchemaOrg workshop on 9/21: schemaorg.cloudapp.net/2011Workshop/
@Hillalli First of all obviously: huge congratulations to your PhD!
@Hillalli Have read your slides w/ great interest. Seems like we do similar stuff. My focus: event summarization http://t.co/uvZBftSd
RT @rtroncy: Congrats! RT @Hillalli: Thesis defense slides: “Identification and Characterization of Events in Social Media” http://t.co/ …