@rtroncy @arnaudbrousseau It was two geniuses, one thought: we both had you in mind independent from each other ;D Now negotiate your salary
.@giusepperizzo @rtroncy Thanks for inspiring two days at #EURECOM. Looking forward to the #SemanticWeb adventures ahead of us ;-)
[Germany-related] Please consider signing the petition against suspicion-less data retention http://t.co/nciF1nU
@kwelle Heute Geburtstag? Wenn dem so ist, dann herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Two busy days full of geek talk here at #EURECOM. Presentations of #EventMedia semantics.eurecom.fr/eventmedia/, #NERD semantics.eurecom.fr/nerd/ â€#TomsPhDhD
#iOS Kernel Exploitation slides by @i0n1c from this year’s #Blackhat conference: http://t.co/Uei0otl [PDF] #Jailbreak