Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

November 18th, 2021

@briankardell There also is an API for that: 😂

via Echofon

@_zouhir @smfr Not the feedback you want to hear, but it loads perfectly fine here. Private Relay is off, but I have DNSCloak on (local VPN with a blocklist of URLs).

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RT @HTTPArchive: @drenzulli 🆕 Chapter 4: Structured Data written by @jonoalderson and @cyberandy

😯 34% of pages contain JSON-LD markup


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RT @HTTPArchive: Chapter 14: PWA written by @drenzulli

🔥 9% of the top 1,000 most popular websites use service workers…

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RT @HTTPArchive: 🚨 Today we’re releasing a preview of the 2021 Web Almanac with SEVEN chapters!

We’ll be publishing the rest soon in Decem…

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🔢 Happy to announce the early release of the Capabilities chapter of the 2021 Web Almanac by the HTTP Archive, written by ⁦@christianliebel⁩. What is the world’s most Fugu 🐡 site? Read on to learn more! 🥁

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @abrax5: COLRv1 enables exciting new color vector font use cases on the web due its minimal file size and integration with OpenType Vari…

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