Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

October 3rd, 2019

@0xcea5ed1015 @Apple @webkit Push notifications per se *can* be useful. Starting fresh can mean Apple can improve upon the status quo and learn from everyone’s faults and really set their implementation apart.

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“The conflict was never about Web Components, it was about where you are on this continuum between ‘standard’ and ‘propriet@aerotwist—⁠

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@patrick_h_lauke @Apple @webkit It’s over the top for sure. The “this escalated quickly” bit from my tweet probably wasn’t clear enough to convey that I was being ironic.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to patrick_h_lauke

100% pure CSS Mario Kart: Mind blown by @StephenCookDev at #FronteersConf. Because you can definitely means you should in this case! 💏

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Secrets of native-like PWAs (warning: large PDF), by ⁦@JoubranJad⁩ at #FronteersConf. 🐈

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😳 Wow—This escalated quickly: someone created a petition for the bug to @Apple that I’ve filed: @WebKit 182566—Feature Request—Add support for the ServiceWorkerRegistration’s PushManager interface:

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The most accessible introduction to ES proxies that I have seen so far: by @porteneuve at #FronteersConf. Brilliant! 💏

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A deep dive into images on the web, by ⁦@hj_chen⁩ at #FronteersConf.

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RT @marcosc: State of the @w3c’s Web Applications WG: a summary of where all your favorite W3C specs are along the Standards Track, and wha…

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The `width` and `height` attributes are soon going to be meaningful again, despite everyone styling with `width: 100%` and `height: auto`. This issue comment by @jensimmons explains the “how” and the “why”: 🔐 https://t.

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This website’s design is amazing! ⤵️

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RT @davrous: You now better understand why we’re working on this: to let PWAs target foldable devices ;) #SurfaceNe…

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