RT @katiehempenius: Overview of CDNs:
🔖 https://t.co/8VhYxW8n2S
- how they work
- selection
- setup
- performance features you should enabl…
ChromiumDev The Web DNA Report 2019 identified browser compatibility as the top pain point for developers. We spent 2020 diving deeper: the MDN Browser Compatibility Report identifies specific issues and possible solutions.
Read the full 120-page report: bit.ly/2ZZdlOY (PDF, 1.9mb)
RT @jaffathecake: It’s been talked about for years now, but we might get to the point where browsers disable HTTP/2 push support, because i…
@NorbertRittel @excalidraw @dluzar Thank you! Pre-triaged and routed.
@NorbertRittel @excalidraw @dluzar Could you create a bug and ping me the URL here, please? I can help route and triage. For context, here’@dluzarar’s bcrbug.com/1131034Lxr2. Thanks for your help in advance!
@NorbertRittel @excalidraw We also have a bug on Windows. @dluzar is submitting a crbug.com/new as we’re tweeting. It’s still behind a flag for a reason. 😃
@cshjb007 @kevin_dorion (Removing the wrong (at)-kevin). I’ve added some more detail to the article on this: https://t.co/2r86S9bNun…
@AmeliasBrain @nigeljohnwade @ChromeDevTools @mathias Can the time zone and the locale fields support autocomplete? A simple `<datalist>` (https://t.co/0QbjjCueL3) could probably do the job (but haven’t checked myself).
I’ve landed File Handling support (https://t.co/bUDr9I5DbL) in @excalidraw—a cool Project Fugu 🡠feature:
1. (Re-)install https://t.co/SMCXc0sA5q.
2. Open Finder/Explorer.
3. Doubleclick an `.excalidraw` file.
4. Edit on… 🎈
(Needs the chrome:/
RT @mathias: New favorite screensaver: chrome://discards/graph 🤯 https://t.co/YWNQMq4u65
@4xfelix Danke dir für den Blogpost. Schön, eine externe Perspektive auf das Projekt zu lesen!
@darth_na @cemper This question is independent from the Idle Detection API, but here’s the answer:
Page Visibility detects if the screen is locked: https://t.co/MceRkKeu4G and so does `document.hasFocus()`: https://t.co/upvi9ESmlJ.
Demo: https://t.co/xQ
@darth_na @cemper This API doesn’t change any of that (window focus) behavior. It barely lets developers know if a user is still using their device, but maybe in another tab or a different app than the browser.
@darth_na @cemper I was not referring to screen locks, but banking sites that log you out for “security” reasons when you may actually still be using your device, but are maybe looking up a banking account number somewhere in your email.
@nhoizey @firt OK, finally tracked this down to a specific blocklist and opened https://t.co/r1c99aqj8s. Hopefully this gets merged soon.
“What is Project Fugu? More power to the web.†View of â¦community member @4xfelixâ© on the project I spend most of my time on. 🡠https://t.co/nVhWThwDNm
The Idle Detection API (https://t.co/OUDDLl6Eqw) lets you find out which of their devices a user is currently using, so you can dedupe notifications. Another use case is for a banking site to only log a user out when they’re truly idle—not just busy l
RT @intenttoship: Blink: Intent to Continue Experimenting: Idle Detection API https://t.co/ohIMcY7NC3
@nigeljohnwade @AmeliasBrain This exactly! @ChromeDevTools has great I18N support. If something is missing, file a new.crbug.com (choose DevTools issue in the picker).