@zachleat @monjibram @simevidas My debugging stack is:
* {
outline: solid hotpink 1px;
outline-offset: -1px; /* 🔥 */
jongalloway modify.video - A purely browser-based privacy-first video tool capable of performing tasks like converting, compression, etc. without uploading your files using #WebAssembly. pic.twitter.com/cUKmT8OeoS
Detached window memory leaks, by â¦@_developitâ©. https://t.co/eR2jvyaClY
RT @passle_: While I agree web components still have shortcomings, I dont think this article is entirely fair. The article pins many of the…
RT @ChromeDevTools: 🔢 New engineering blog!
“How we built the Issues tab” by Jan Scheffler & @sigurdschn takes you through the design, pr…