Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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September 24th, 2020

Smarter throwing (`Error`s that is)… It totally didn’t occur to me either that `Error.prototype message` is mutable. Sometimes it’s small things like this. Thanks, @rem.

via Twitter Web App

RT @JSJabber: Check out this week’s episode of #JavaScriptJabber about #JSJ 450: Native Features Inside The Browser — Introducing Google’s…

via Twitter Web App

@Paul_Kinlan @chrsgrrtt @samthor Mobile. Right. There’re indeed many options, and you’d have to hook the Escape functionality up with JS indeed. What’s elegant @samthoramthor’s solution is it makes the non-hamburger/FAB area a click target for clo

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Paul_Kinlan

@Paul_Kinlan @chrsgrrtt @samthor I’d rather expect the Escape key to close it.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Paul_Kinlan

@DanShappir @jordaust @JSJabber Thanks both 😊! Really happy you found the episode worthwhile of your time. It was an honor to be on the show.

via Echofon

@BuzzIlk Thanks 😊. Really an honor to have people listening to my gibberish! Hope you could extract something useful from it.

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@ericlaw There was, it was called Writable Files API. We discussed several options, including your suggestion, but also Local File System API (my favorite) etc. The worry was that “host” and “local” put too much emphasis on “on your device”, w

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@simevidas @firt I see system apps as apps that are tied to the system, like the Phone app, the Messages app, or the Settings app.

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@samthor Hehe, thanks for sharing your wisdom of doing things “the standard” way!

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@firt Judging from the logo it’s Google Translate.

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