@HenrikJoreteg I think this is where @quicksave2k’s recent work on the forget methods comes in handy. I let François chime in…
For the release of Chrome 100, the @ChromiumDev team have come up with #100CoolWebMoments to celebrate 🎉. Guess what features I have suggested (and of course favorited â™developer.chrome.com/100/64byqis
I keep being impressed with @smashingmag and how they #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦. Rather than continuing with business as usual and being afraid of posting “off-brand” which might upset readers, they instead use their reach to help those affected by the w
In case it’s unclear: I try to follow the same example. I’ve started to express my political views loud and clear. I #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 and all my followers and blog reablog.tomayac.comWSneC5) shall #FCKPTNFCKPTN!
(Not that it mattered, but
RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 New case study:
Learn how switching to PWA and using the Shape Detection API helped @MishiPayApp increase transactions…
@BenDelarre An ugly workaround that just occurred to me and that I haven’t tested for feasibility: on `focus-visible` request a background image via CSS which you then catch in your service worker that can then message back your main thread. Might not b
@gauntface Fond memories of eagerly awaiting every single episode of your and @addyosmani’s show. Learned a lot from you (both). Enjoy the time off, and thanks for everything you have done during your time at Google!
RT @robpalmer2: ECMAScript excitement 😉
Congrats to @pzuraq on advancing TC39 proposal Decorators to Stage 3 🎉
This is conditional advanc…
RT @JoshWComeau: 🌠So, I spent years going about learning CSS the wrong way. I was so focused on the individual properties, I missed the fo…