Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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December 18th, 2019

@tombyrer @matejlatin I tend to use `rem`s exclusively, but there are situations where `em`s make sense, too (see @chriscoyier’s meta comment on @jeremybchurch’s post linked in

For monospace font sizing, interesting background r

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@aaronpeters @mathias I’m learning something new about accessibility myself almost every day, and with this tweet was only standing on the shoulders of others…

via Twitter Web App

@aaronpeters @mathias By doing that, you override and upscale the user’s chosen default font size, which typically is 16px, to 17.6px. You can do that, but maybe only above a certain screen size (or more hand-wavily: on “big” screens).

via Twitter Web App in reply to aaronpeters

RT @v8js: V8 hits its long-awaited v8.0, now with optional chaining, nullish coalescing, faster higher-order builtins — oh and 40% less mem…

via Twitter Web App

Full credits to @matejlatin from whose article I have learned this from. We just fixed this issue on (pending deploy).

via Twitter Web App

Tip: Don’t set absolute font sizes! If someone has their default browser font size bumped up/down, you override their choice and force them to zoom. 😔

Instead, set the font size to `100%` on the `:root {}` level and make everything a function

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