Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 15th, 2020

RT @adrianholovaty: Prepare to be amazed by, and possibly addicted to, — an incredibly well designed geometric-patt…

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RT @devdevcharlie: Lately, I’ve been learning more about how to use VoiceOver to better understand the experience of people who use it, and…

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RT @cjamcl: The Lighthouse extension—now for Firefox!


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@samthor @simevidas Bring back `<discard>`: It was just killed: Actually, probably don’t. 😃

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@AaronGustafson @fox The numbers don’t compare 🍎 to 🍎, though. Just think health insurance, unemployment benefits, job protection, maternity & paternity leaves, vacation days… Doesn’t stop there. And no, I’m not saying these things don’t e

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