Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 19th, 2020

RT @m_ott: You just got to love this footnote by @chriscoyier. And it is your daily reminder that every time you hit publish on Medium, you…

via Echofon

Four creative ways to JavaScript timing in browsers that may be “[a] little too clever, might confuse your teammates/contributors,” but that are nevertheless fun, by ⁦@alshakero⁩. ⏱

via Twitter for iPhone

@html5test Seconds until they file a DMCA takedown request after you posting the screenshot: 3, 2, 1, busted. 🏎

via Echofon in reply to html5test

A list of shortcomings and/or annoyances in Apple’s `WKWebView`: Via the tweet storm started in the quoted tweet. ⤵️

via Echofon

RT @WebPlatformNews: 🗞 Issue № 1035

1. z-index applies to grid and flex items as well
2. CSS middle value aligns with middle of x-height

via Echofon

@cjamcl @dalmaer I never can remember what key on my keyboard to press when I see the glyph in a menu. But the train taking an _alt_ernative _opt_ional track is my favorite new mnemonic 🤯:

via Echofon

RT @grigs: Service Worker detector for Microsoft Edge from @tomayac

via Twitter for iPhone