Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

February 28th, 2020

RT @othermaciej: The WebKit project has created a new space to host Explainers, early pre-incubation documents that we hope to promote to s…

via Echofon

@blairanderson @_developit @enric0x This, but with a wrapper is what was used on ( Tables were a great choice, just need to make them scrollable. 💍

via Echofon

If you’re in the “what Web APIs do sites actually use?” business (seen from a Chrome angle), the forum post in the quoted tweet ⤵️ by @rick_viscomi is a must read. Aced as always! 💏

via Echofon

RT @argyleink: 🎨 a 4 corner layered gradient by stacking 2 simple linear gradients and using a linear mask to blend them together!

1 red t…

via Echofon

@RubenVerborgh Gelukkige verjaardag, feestvarken! 🎂 💥

via Echofon

I was interviewed about Project Fugu 🐡, here’re my responses: ⤵️

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @philwalton: Fantastic thread from @IgorMinar that shows how (oftentimes) bundle bloat is simply due to the fact that developers aren’t…

via Echofon

RT @HTTPArchive: Out of the ~5M websites tracked by the HTTP Archive dataset, the number of sites that use service workers has grown rapidl…

via Echofon