Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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October 6th, 2021

RT @gkalpakas: You’d be amazed by how many native-like capabilities you can build into your Progressive Web Apps 🤯

Here’s a great rundown…

via Echofon

Use Real User Monitoring (RUM) data instead of laboratory data like @____lighthouse scores when you talk about Web performance. Here’s @philwalton on why this matters: ⤵️

via Echofon

@bendee983 @DailySwig @shhnjk @dee__see “Other major browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Edge have been supporting this feature for a long time.” You probably want to replace “Safari” with “Firefox” in this sentence. 😃

via Twitter Web App in reply to bendee983

@rauschma Tweeted about this recently in a reply to @SaraSoueidan: It’s IMHO surprising how this is not a thing yet (in desktop Chrome).

via Echofon