Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

April 22nd, 2021

jorikdelaporik Check out my article on about the forgotten cross browser drag drop interactions @ChromiumDev

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:56 PM, Apr 22nd, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

Chrome 91: Handwriting Recognition, WebXR Plane Detection and More: Exciting release! 😃

via Twitter for iPhone

Help users log in across affiliated sites on Chrome Digital Asset Links to the rescue.

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @Justinwillis96: Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. This is a HUGE step in making PWAs feel even more familiar to the average user on…

via Twitter Web App

@mariusclaret @ChromiumDev It’s not full degrees of freedom, but definitely more than before. The Podcasts example from the post is now

via Twitter Web App in reply to mariusclaret

@LinkofHyrule89 @ChromiumDev @discord How does it know an app is a game, and not set your status as “playing calculator.exe”? A massive allow-list?

via Twitter Web App in reply to LinkofHyrule89

@LinkofHyrule89 @ChromiumDev @discord I don’t think there is an API planned for this feature (but am also not familiar with the Discord Electron app in a gaming context, I purely use it as a chat app).

via Twitter Web App in reply to LinkofHyrule89

@LinkofHyrule89 @ChromiumDev @discord Hopefully in the future. For now, Discord neither has a web application manifest nor a service worker.

via Twitter Web App in reply to LinkofHyrule89

@mariusclaret @ChromiumDev The safe are insets are for the whole viewport. The title bar areas for the window controls overlay is for PWA windows.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mariusclaret

RT @ChromiumDev: 🤠 Chuck Norris can customize PWA windows so they are round!

Everyone else can soon customize the Window Controls Overlay…

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@pepelsbey_ @soMelanieSaid I fear this is self-inflicted, see Nevertheless I have filed to track this.

via Twitter for iPhone

@pepelsbey_ This was introduced in the context of See for the wider context.

(CC: @soMelanieSaid)

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RT @justinfagnani: I think it’s worth reminding people about the awesomeness of tagged template literals on Lit Launch Day.

This is a huge…

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RT @rowan_m: Personally excited about the 🍪 proposal for partitioned cookies, and not just for the tasty puns. This…

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🔢 The new Lit site is up. Catch up on the announcement video ( or browse the docs directly. This stuff looks good! If you’re building Web Components professionally, you want to check this out.

via Twitter for iPhone

@soleio @_zouhir @excalidraw, have you seen this? The chat could really be useful. Thoughts?

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