Making the whole web better, one canvas at a time. â¦@briankardellâ© on the `OffscreenCanvas`.
RT @jensimmons: Frustrated by fighting the CSS Cascade? Annoyed by too much !important everywhere?
Cascade Layers will help. Try it out in…
`BroadcastChannel` 💠
@davrous @slightlylate Happy birthday, David! Joyeux anniversaire, Alex! 🎂 It’s like Duolingo, but in a tweet.
RT @brucel: Set Safari free! If Apple allowed Safari to actually compete, it would be better for web developers, b…
@nhoizey (That’s what I thought.) That being said, Youenn has just reopened the original bug to track the overall feature.
@nhoizey The new bug was opened by Youenn Fablet from Apple, so my hopes are high.
@nhoizey I don’t know, but since they opened a new bug, I decided to point mine at theirs. Would I have opened a new bug? No ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but I also don’t work for Apple. Everyone subscribed to the earlier bug got emailed, so they can subscribe to t
New @webkit bug: Add support for `ServiceWorkerGlobalScope` push event handler— 💀
@freddyb Oh, sorry (not sorry), realized my GnuPG was outdated. Updated to v2.3.2 now.
Version: GnuPG v2.3.2 (GNU/Linux)
xkcd Two-Factor Security Key
@TedMielczarek @DanShappir @rr_cook @googlechrome @webkit @ricmac @firefox That’s. Wild. Wow! Given that you went through this twice before, should you do it thrice (😇), getting the product onto actual devices may have become a little more approachab