@nekrtemplar @andrey_l1nd3n Done ✅ https://t.co/0RyyEY00KU
Min and Max Width/Height in CSS. Super in-depth article on seemingly simple CSS properties. https://t.co/XEcjfx6lHe
@webkit @xeenon Feature request for Web Inspector’s implementation: highlight the corresponding-to-a-layer HTML elements, like Edge does.
RT @tomayac: 🗜 Brotli Compression with mod_pagespeed and ngx_pagespeed:
🔢 New blog post on how to make PageSpeed…
@digitarald @CharlieCroom @FirefoxDevTools @webkit’s Web Inspector recently-ish gained this feature: https://t.co/u21c5GANjN. https://t.co/HVOfgBIjud
🗜 Brotli Compression with mod_pagespeed and ngx_pagespeed:
🔢 New blog post on how to make PageSpeed work with Brotli.
@CharlieCroom CC: @digitarald from the @FirefoxDevTools team. Spreading the love…