Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

January 25th, 2020

Wow, mind blown 🤯 by @derSchepp’s review of early Internet Explorer features that they were lightyears ahead with, compared to everyone else. It was wild west and also somewhat tragic, but wow!

via Twitter for iPhone

@develwoutacause The rationale here is that some developers use a different theme (e.g., dark) than their system preference (e.g., light) suggests.

via Twitter Web App in reply to develwoutacause

@derSchepp @__jakub_g @zachleat If you just want the latest (and hopefully greatest) of each dependency, use `ncu`:

via Echofon

ResizeObserver in WebKit, by ⁦@briankardell⁩:

via Twitter for iPhone

@KevinKelchen You can read about the process here: The Blink launch process referenced in the diagram is described here: So the answer is yes, ultimately we would.

via Twitter for iPhone

I like the data-driven approach toward the question of whether @AMPhtml should raise the CSS limit slightly from 50kB to 75kB (the discussion is of general interest, not just in the context of AMP). ⤵️

via Echofon

Networking Problems: To-the-point . 😂

via Echofon