Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

July 28th, 2021

RT @ChromeDevTools: ✨ What’s new in DevTools (Chrome 93)? ✨

🔝 Editable CSS container queries
🔦 Preview web bundle request
🐞 Improved CORS…

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RT @natfriedman: We’ve just added built-in citation support to GitHub so researchers and scientists can more easily receive acknowledgments…

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RT @davatron5000: 🔝 In response to an open question by @jensimmons, I blogged some thoughts about “one-offs” and my troubles with supportin…

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Look whose name is on this webpage: I’ll speak about working with files in 2021. Don’t miss it! ⤵️

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@DanShappir One level deep, yes, fully agree. Everything deeper _I_ feel is mostly the author showing off at the reader’s expense of rapid code understandability.

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RT @bramus: To see what browser vendors are up to regarding css-nesting-1, you can follow the relevant bugs:

🤖 Chrome: 

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RT @TerribleMia: 🎉 The CSS Nesting spec has been approved for publishing as a First Public Working Draft. You can see the current Editor’s…

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@frgx @justinschuh @cramforce @cos_theta Slide 13 says it’s not being used when other VPNs are installed (I read this as “connected” on iOS). But again, definitely not an expert.

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RT @domenic: A six-year-old feature request finally got agreement to land in the HTML spec. Next up, implementing it in all the browsers!…

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@frgx @justinschuh @cramforce @cos_theta If I understand slides 10 and 14 correctly, this isn’t possible due to the way the header is passed to the egress proxy: (No expert, though.)

via Twitter Web App

@frgx @justinschuh @cramforce @cos_theta Thanks. If their bug tracker is public, I’d appreciate if you pasted the link to it here. 🙏

via Twitter for iPhone

@justinschuh @cramforce @cos_theta @frgx This is all powered by `Sec-CH-Geohash` ( There’s a configuration in the OS that lets users choose how granular it should be. Reading how it _should_ work in theory I’d consider the Okt

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@shadeed9 Love the way you approach this; so much consideration for the details! Discussing the pros and cons of each solution, simple and more complex. The demos are great, too!

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RT @shadeed9: ✍️ New Article: Thinking About The Cut-Out Effect: CSS or SVG?

This article provides a deep-dive into CSS and SVG methods fo…

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