@hashseed Nice, solar panels on the market! Did you spot the man on the right with the black shirt on that photo? I think it says “Gutes tun und nicht müde werdenâ€.
@jabranr Thanks! It’s a long time indeed. 😅
@IamJoseVarghese Thank you!
@denladeside Thanks, Lars! 😃 Same back to you!
@kennethrohde Challenge accepted! Keep ip the gøød wørk!
@hashseed But yes, definitely inspired by ???
@hashseed !!!
@jaffathecake Learning from you whenever we interact, and honestly that’s one of the best parts of the job!
@manekinekko Thank you 😊!
@Jay5w Thank you!
@JohnMu Thank you, John. Good to have you, too!
@kennethrohde Wow, thanks, Kenneth! Now I need to learn Danish for your work anniversary.
@davrous Merci, David!
@felixarntz Thank you, Felix!
@gatemezing Thanks, Ghis!
@RReverser Thank you, Ingvar!
@aakansha1216 Thanks a lot. It’s definitely been a good couple of years!
@DanShappir Thanks, Dan. Really looking forward to this trip!
@razvancaliman Thank you, Razvan!
@WebPerfReport Thank you!
@tropicadri Thanks, Adriana! Likewise lucky to be working with you!
@heyawhite @tropicadri ðŸˆ!
@_zouhir Thanks, Zouhir, the pleasure is mine! It’s great to have you at Google!
@JoubranJad Thanks, Jad!
@Paul_Kinlan Hehe, thanks for having me on the team, mate! It’s great to be part of it!
@sisidovski Thanks, and thanks for reading 😊!
RT @chris_dumez: Support for constructible / adoptable style sheets has just been enabled in WebKit! https://t.co/1CyGs4e4cM