Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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October 3rd, 2022

@RReverser What a great occasion to learn some German with this quote: “Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal Fresse halten.”—@dieternuhr (, “If you have no fucking clue, just shut the fuck up.”)

via Echofon

RT @RReverser: I didn’t think I could have an even lower opinion of him, and yet, here we go.

via Echofon

@mhartington Do you have a reduced example? It should really be possible to match both.

via Echofon in reply to mhartington

@mhartington Well, it essentially extends the main canvas, but you can put up everything you want up there. See my demo on, where I do fancy gradients stuff including OS-based “art direction” (yes, I’m very much not a designe

via Echofon

Postgres WASM. Developers really want storage to be solved client-side. 💀

via Twitter for iPhone

@WestbrookJ It is. I’m honestly surprised that the new bug template doesn’t make an attempt to better understand the bug filer’s context. FWIW, I could reproduce the issue on iOS 16.1 (20B5056e), and since the bug claimed it was previously fixed, this see

via Twitter Web App in reply to WestbrookJ

@WestbrookJ I had bookmarked this, only to be eventually ending up at

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Privacy-preserving screen sharing controls: Finally more fine-grained options to encourage the user to only share what they intend to share and avoid oversharing (

via Twitter Web App

@shwetank Thank you, Shwetank! Glad I made it until here… :-)

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@sangwhanmoon Did I imply wanting to stay 15 more years? Sorry, this wasn’t my intention. 😂

via Echofon in reply to sangwhanmoon