Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

March 3rd, 2021

@Miel_vds @signalapp Life changer! Thanks for letting me know. When I last checked, a lot of people were asking for it, but the setting didn’t exist.

via Twitter Web App in reply to Miel_vds

@t_var_s @smashingmag Not sure about this. I can’t reproduce on my machine, the favicon only gets fetched once, even when I start, pause and restart. If you can, please file new.crbug.comtD. It may well be on purpose, since there’s a playing

via Twitter Web App in reply to t_var_s

@colinbendell @yoavweiss This particular case is about `rel=”icon”`; support for other link relations varies. It works for “stylesheet” and I think for “preload” (@yoavweiss, correct me if I’m wrong). It currently doesn’t work for “manifest”.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to colinbendell

RT @ChromiumDev: Talking about icons, what if the browser just created PNG icons (required by Android) for PWA installation on-the-fly, bas…

via Twitter Web App

@ChromiumDev By the way, dark mode icons already work with SVG:

via Twitter Web App

Browsers like Chrome now support SVG icons (, but for installation, notably on Android, you still need rasterized icon formats like PNG 😐. I just filed for the browser to create these PNGs for you. One SV

via Twitter Web App

@VorticonCmdr Google Analytics ≠ Google Chrome

On Chrome, bug stars are a signal we take into account:

via Twitter Web App

@MattWilcox @ChromiumDev I wrote about this in the past ( Unfortunately some platforms like Android still require PNG for home screen icons, and while the browser should be able to create them on the fly, currently this isn’t im

via Twitter for iPhone

@DJDavid98 @ChromiumDev We have heard the same argument for honoring `prefers-color-scheme` in the general case. Personally, I still think there could be a separate setting in the browser, so people could decouple it from their system setting. Here’s a

via Twitter Web App

@ChristopherBlum So was I, until I realized it doesn’t. 🙃

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ChristopherBlum

@henrylim96 This would be possible by sending a different manifest in either case. The bug talks about supporting `rel=manifest`, too, but for now the plan is limited to `rel=icon`. See for the parallel Web App Manifest discussion.

via Twitter for iPhone

On the Chrome team, we’re thinking of making

`<link rel=”icon” media=”(prefers-color-scheme: dark)” href=”dark.png”>`

happen (i.e., for the `link` tag to respect the `media` attribute! If you think this is a good idea, please star ⭐ this bug: https://

via Twitter Web App

Who at @signalapp thought the “$name is on Signal!” notifications were a good thing?

via Twitter Web App

RT @domenic: Chrome 89 is here, and with it, import maps!

We’re working to prioritize external import maps (i.e. s…

via Echofon

RT @ChromiumDev: Chrome 89 is rolling out now! WebHID, WebNFC, & Web Serial are now available in stable. We’re closing a loophole a few use…

via Echofon

RT @alex_gibson: TIL: loading=”lazy” only works when JS is enabled, because tracking/privacy 😭

via Echofon

@vgr @mahemoff Fingerspitzengefühl. The ‘h’ was at the wrong place. Fingertipsfeeling.

via Echofon in reply to vgr