Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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March 5th, 2021

RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 新シリーズ! ミニアプリ:ウェブテクノロジーで作られたブラウザーで動かないアプリ
by @tomayac

💉 💈

🌏 ミニアプリの世界へようごそ
🛠 ミニアプリã

via Twitter Web App

@HenrikJoreteg @denladeside @reillyeon @petele Happy that this works for you! And thanks for the super compelling use case of the API!


via Twitter Web App

@razvancaliman @ChromiumDev It’s a warning I would put out for anything that is from an unidentified developer, it’s not specific to mini apps IDEs. Also: I have done the research so you don’t have to. But if you want to, the article tells you how.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to razvancaliman

@ChromiumDev Thanks to @agektmr for the translation! ♥️

via Twitter Web App

RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 @tomayac 为你带来了一系列的小程序研究:带大家深入了解这些利用罒页秒技开叒,但并不在浏览器运行的程序。

💉 💈

🌏 小程序介绍
🛠 小程序的开叒者ä½

via Twitter Web App

😊 Proud of my new series! An exploration into Mini Apps: apps built with Web technologies, but that don’t run in browsers.

💉 💈

🌏 World of Mini Apps.
🛠 DX of Mini Apps.
🌐 Wider Mini Apps ecosystem.
🎔 Learnin

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@satnamsvirdi @Una @jaffathecake @DasSurma @svgeesus @argyleink @_developit @LeaVerou @chriscoyier You can download pages or save them for offline use if you use Chrome (similar options exist for other browsers):

via Twitter Web App

@denladeside @HenrikJoreteg @petele @reillyeon By the way, it sounds like your origin trial token is hardcoded and not easy to change for a new one. Dynamically inserted by JavaScript tokens work. So you could have your app installation phone home to obta

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@denladeside @HenrikJoreteg @petele @reillyeon In the worst case, if your customer can’t update to a more recent Chrome version after the end of the origin trial, they’d have to flip the experimental web platform features browser flag on 88.

via Twitter Web App

@denladeside @HenrikJoreteg @petele It’s included in 89, which is beta: I’m almost certain the API won’t be activated retrospectively on older versions now, but let’s ask @reillyeon.

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@jpp123 @donavon I agree. We start with icons, up next would then probably be manifest.

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