Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

March 6th, 2021

RT @alexainslie: 💩‍🔬 We hope to gather more feedback about @googlechrome updates as they’re in development. If you’re using Canary today (a…

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@PixelAmbacht I typed “blockchain” and nothing happened.

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@reillyeon @ericlaw If I think “serial”, this is the connector I think of. Can you do Web Parallel next, please?

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@_shu @kennethrohde @domenic @w3ctag @LeaVerou @anssik NFC4Web or NFC 4 Web or NFC 4Web?

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RT @ChromiumDev: Later this year, @GoogleChrome is moving from a 6-week release cycle to a 4-week release cycle, allowing us to ship new fe…

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@abdonrd @ChromiumDev @petele @Mustafa_x might be able to help you out.

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RT @PixelAmbacht: 🫕 Try variable fonts from Google Fonts! Click the button, pick a font, and the fondue will tell you all about it!

- All…

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RT @ChromiumDev: 💀What’s this? Haven’t seen this thumbnail in a while!

It’s a special edition of ⚡️Supercharged Microtip⚡️!

@DasSurma giv…

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RT @bramusblog: 🔥 The future of CSS: Scroll-Linked Animations (Part 2)

In this 2nd part covering @​scroll-timeline we turn things up a not…

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RT @bramusblog: Control the behavior of JavaScript imports with Import Maps


🏷 #EsModules #import #javascript ht…

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RT @diekus: Thrilled to be part of a team making Web technologies mainstream, now on a desktop near you. @MSEdgeDev

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@enjikaka @slightlylate Not really. But technically, with what the team calls Bento AMP, you could build components to be used in mini apps (and the Web of course). Some of the AMP caching technology is comparable to mini app hosting, but there are differ

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@nekrtemplar H5 apps typically predate service workers. If they were offline-capable at all, which as far as I can tell wasn’t very common, they used AppCache. This aspect, though, is a requirement of PWA, just like being installable.

via Twitter Web App in reply to nekrtemplar

@Nate_Stringham @ChromiumDev Very well aware: This new feature just enables the same feature for non-SVG icons.

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