Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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March 11th, 2021

RT @jeffposnick: Tips for debugging a *specific* request inside of a service worker:

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@jaroslawjarosik @cramforce Global shortcuts are tracked as

Tray access is tracked as

Both features are in scope of Project Fugu 🐡, but, yes, they are current gaps we don’t have a bridge for yet.

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RT @cramforce: Really good example of why desktop PWAs are so powerful. There really was no reason for Electron for this use case.
Some UX…

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@dannymoerkerke Thanks. Just fixed the component and set to untriaged. Looks good and actionable!

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@robertnyman @jaxcore @eae @ErikArvidsson I’m sure I have code lying around on a backup DVD 🔀 or CD 💿 somewhere that does this.

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@eladsc @bramus @CodePen @webkit I fully agree it’s usable. I personally just wouldn’t speak of full browser support yet as long as it is prefixed.

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@maddesigns @shadeed9 Brilliant! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for sharing!

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As a user of the not very well-known `ruby` tag ( for my footnotes, I’m happy about this progress update from @fantasai. ⤵️

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@eladsc @bramus @CodePen Almost full support. As your code sample shows, on @webkit it’s still prefixed as `:-webkit-full-screen`.

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@j9t It’s a weird but useful one. I use it in `<dark-mode-toggle>`:

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@shadeed9 Great article, super useful! Are you aware of a CSS linter that flags use of the previous syntax?

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RT @shadeed9: ✍️ New Article: Digging Into CSS Logical Properties

I always wanted to write about CSS logical properties. In this article,…

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@dannymoerkerke Please file a and use Blink>Contacts for the component field. Thanks!

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RT @JohnMu: Unplanned outages are stressful enough - here’s how to win a bit of time. If your site is completely down, serve 503 for all re…

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RT @robertnyman: My two DHTML favorite resources, about 20 years ago:

Dynamic Duo:, by @jaxcore

WebFX: https://t…

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@robertnyman @jaxcore @eae @ErikArvidsson “`js
if (document.layers) {
// …code that would be executed only by Netscape browsers…
} else {
// …code that would be executed only by Internet Explorer…

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People have for a long time been using Alexa rankings to roughly assess the popularity of sites, but the new Rank Magnitude metric in the latest @ChromeUXReport is a lot better.

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RT @slightlylate: The lack of real, meaningful browser choice on iOS doesn’t just hold back new features like the one’s we’re developing in…

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