Creating Custom Form Controls with `ElementInternals` Great article about using custom elements in forms.
@gauntface @addyosmani All the best birthday wishes, Addy! 🎈
RT @SaraSoueidan: “Designed to be a reference for anyone building component-based user interfaces, The Component Gallery is an up-to-date r…
@dontcallmeDOM @w3c @hdv @studio24 Yepp, this is also what my web search brought up. Just needed to know what to search for. Mystery solved. 🔮
@dontcallmeDOM @w3c @hdv @studio24 Oh, interesting, thanks for the pointer. Some more evidence:
dontcallmeDOM @tomayac @w3c @hdv @studio24 I don’t have direct knowledge of the reason, but I believe the initial name for W3C was to be World Wide Web Organization - .org would have thus been a sufficient qualification for the full name
RT @shadeed9: âœï¸ New Article: Handling Text Over Images in CSS
An in-depth article on handling text over images in CSS that focuses on the…