Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

June 17th, 2021

@piccalilli_ At least for macOS there’s now a Safari Technology Preview that just dropped:

via Twitter Web App

RT @jaffathecake: Here’s a little library to work around the latest Safari IndexedDB bug.

It gives you a promise, and when it resolves, In…

via Echofon

RT @argyleink: Virtual Keyboard API 😍

“developers can use [virtual keyboards] to enable better customization of their webpage’s content an…

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RT @PixelAmbacht: Variable fonts have a hidden superpower nobody is talking about! 🙀

Optical sizing (the power to change a font’s appearan…

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@piccalilli_ It works. And it’s been around for a couple of years and Apple hasn’t cracked down on it yet.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to piccalilli_

@piccalilli_ You need a beta profile. You can get one from

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RT @jaffathecake: Demo:

Chrome bug:

Why this isn’t a problem with event listeners (and sh…

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jaffathecake TIL ResizeObserver & IntersectionObserver need to be manually disconnected, else they leak memory through their callback.

This happens in all browsers.

MutationObserver and event listeners don’t have this issue.

Make sure you manually disconnect resize/intersection observers!

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:59 PM, Jun 17th, 2021 via Echofon)

RT @ChromeDevTools: 🌟 New in Canary - Improved properties inspection for the Custom Elements.

No more long scrolling to look for the #Web…

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RT @stefanjudis: I definitely have to get better at making myself replaceable. 🙈

Great post from @jmmv explaining why it’s important to be…

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@mtomweb @ChromiumDev Yes, use cases like this is what the API is thought for.

via Twitter Web App in reply to mtomweb

RT @tomayac: @robwormald @ChromiumDev There are plans on merging the File System Access API and the Storage Foundation API. The proposal in…

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@robwormald @ChromiumDev There are plans on merging the File System Access API and the Storage Foundation API. The proposal includes streams: For the ongoing origin trial, the API shape is as described in the article, though.

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@henrylim96 @b1tr0t The Nokia 2.3 is a representative example: (German Amazon link). It retails for <100€ if you choose a 😕 color. It’s one of those phones @slightlylate would carry around and test on:

via Twitter Web App

RT @dalmaer: “Productivity or creativity apps that operate on large amounts of video, audio, or image data. Such apps can offload segments…

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@henrylim96 @b1tr0t Many kids in the developed world use their parents’ old phones, which are commonly one to a few generations behind. Sure, many have the latest iPhones, too, but definitely not all. My kids use my old phones… And many of their frien

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to henrylim96

@henrylim96 @b1tr0t 65M for the Android app vs. almost nothing for the PWA could make a difference for some people on constrained memory devices.

via Echofon in reply to henrylim96

MylesBorins Seems like folks are still going back and forth about ESM in Node.js… so I wanna get some ideas out there since tbh so much of it seems like FUD to me.

It seems to me like a big part of the valid criticism is that not being able to require ESM is a shitty DX

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:56 AM, Jun 17th, 2021 via Echofon)