@argyleink @mathias @v8js This is what MDN says: https://t.co/MrTFZBsPTO.
@kurtextrem @argyleink I stand corrected. This is indeed only a problem with `touchstart` and `touchmove`: https://t.co/apleYvSuEv. Thanks!
@mathias @argyleink @v8js Helpful as always. Great blog post! 💠From this talk I have remembered to always keep shapes the same, I somehow have forgotten that the memorized offsets are very much a thing here, too.
@argyleink One more thing could be to move `document.body.style` in its own variable outside of the event listener. I have no idea honestly if it actually makes a difference these days, but it _feels_ wasteful to have the deep nesting in the function.@mathias@v8js