Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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June 17th, 2020

@kamranahmedse There are a couple of bookmarklets and extensions out there that implement what I call the “naive” approach (no offense). The difference is this:

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@jensimmons @jonathandavis @samthor We’d also love you to (re-)consider some of the Project Fugu 🐡

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RT @ChromiumDev: Times are tough, but we’re still here for you.

Join us for #webdevLIVE, a series of talks across multiple time zones expl…

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@jensimmons @jonathandavis Thanks for listening. I’ve made a list: (search for the string “if you want”).

Also, please make @samthor’s library PWACompat ( obsolete, as good as it is.

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@mrdoob Took a little longer than anticipated, but here we are:

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@Paul_Kinlan @domenic @stefanjudis We’re finally live with the official extension:

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@mathias If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@rauschma If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@hanbzu If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@joseph_silber @github If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@ThijsNiks If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@aleyda @SaijoGeorge If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@lobsters If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@aro_mdz If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@ArtemR @david_bokan @rustybrick @dannysullivan @vishal1247 @searchliaison @JohnMu If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@Aussermayr @googlechrome If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@golem If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@FreieWeltEu If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@KPalmvik If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@Mobilfunkcenter If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@sorawee_p If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@MAXOUSLLC If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@borekb If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@anthony_ricaud @nhoizey If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@mxstbr @RichardWestenra If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@barley_ural If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@knt_mr If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@Folletto If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@MariaSotra If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@paulmwatson If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@_yukirock If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@__gfx__ If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@agneymenon If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@tobyshorin @OneWarmSpark @tomcritchlow If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@rustybrick On the opposite end of the table: If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@umaar If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@ManuelWinkler_ If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@howtogeek @chrisbhoffman If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@kratsg If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@Teknologiid2 If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@spottedmahn If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@kamranahmedse @abdoutelb If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@RealTrevorFaux If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@rllllho If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@d_mstern If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@fastoy If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@octref If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@ThePracticalDev @yashints If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@kristopher If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@andileangle241 If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@matan_bobi If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@_X_y_z_ If you want to create these Text Fragments URLs easily, we’ve got you covered:

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@searchliaison If you want to create Text Fragments URLs yourselves, we’ve got you covered:

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RT @9to5Google: Google releases ‘Link to Text Fragment’ Chrome extension by @SkylledDev

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@dluzar @ChromiumDev @philwalton It works if you paste the URL manually in a new browser tab: https:// philipwalton. com/articles/smaller-html-payloads-with-service-workers/#:~:text=order (remove the spaces).

via Twitter Web App in reply to tomayac

@dluzar @ChromiumDev If state setting and state restoration are handled properly it _might_ work. Try @philwalton’s blog,; it’s an SPA. E.g., The text fragment is inaccessible to JavaScript by design.

via Twitter for iPhone

@dluzar @ChromiumDev True. You making noise about the feature is one part of the solution to this chicken 🐔 and egg 🥚 problem.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to dluzar

@dluzar @ChromiumDev The idea currently is to test user uptake, and if there is enough interest, it might be built directly into the browser.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to dluzar

@ChromiumDev The extension creates a _unique_ link: Say you want to highlight the _second_ occurrence of “for”example.com7x0t. The naive highlights the _first_ occurrence. Try it with the extension and see

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ChromiumDev

RT @fractorious: One of the things that make web awesome is that you don’t have to deal with these policies. Bring your app to the web and…

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@ChromiumDev There is a known limitation with Text Fragments links not to work with JavaScript redirects as used here on Twitter ( Follow for details.

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RT @ChromiumDev: Boldly link where no one has linked before:
🔗🔄 Text Fragments:


🔖 Article:


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@abraham @kennethrohde @Twitter @Android @Google @beverloo @fractorious @slightlylate From a non-Android developer point of view, I see this as simply an `isConversation` kind of flag in the `Notification` constructor. Operating systems can choose to pres

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@enjikaka Awesome, hope some of the tips help.

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RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 Make your Progressive Web App not feel like a website, but like a “real” app, at the example of the 🎧 Apple Podcasts app…

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@firt (Mnemonic: the accents of déjà form a roof. 🏠)

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