Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

August 11th, 2021

@dietrich @intenttoship Are you aware of an email service that lets you forward incoming emails based on a filter on subject _without_ verifying the forward email ( This is where it fails with Gmail; I can’t add the trigger email

via Twitter Web App in reply to dietrich

@gsnedders (Thanks for the clarification! Hoping for the macOS team to add support for AVIF then.)

via Twitter for iPhone

@Th3S4mur41 @MicrosoftEdge The answer is “no”: @MSEdgeDev, any update on AVIF support in Edge?

via Twitter Web App

🖼 Image codec update: Firefox 92 will support AVIF: CanIUse is already updated: Not sure about WebKit: it’s sort of ready , but not:

via Twitter Web App

@shadeed9 See for how I do this for `prefers-color-scheme`, but you can use any media query for this approach.

via Echofon

@shadeed9 Rather than overrides and all in one file, have you considered loading the relevant CSS dynamically and having a shared base CSS?

`<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”mobile.css” media=”(max-width: 500px)” />`

via Echofon in reply to shadeed9

@steveruizok You’d think this’d be the easiest thing to fix in order to increase one’s “conversion rate” as a scammer. Apparently it’s still harder than all the other tricks they played on you. I once “bought” a camera for 50€ via bank t

via Echofon in reply to steveruizok

@dietrich @intenttoship This sucks 😔! If I hacked something up with IFTTT, would you integrate a new RSS feed?

via Echofon in reply to dietrich