Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

August 29th, 2021

RT @shadeed9: ✍️ RTL Styling 101, A comprehensive guide for right-to-left styling in CSS.

It includes everything you need to write for rig…

via Echofon

@rauschma Make sure this doesn’t happen 😂. I found it more important to think about an image-dimension-independent fallback. For my needs, has worked well enough.

via Echofon

@edent You can handle the `error` event and show a fallback:

via Echofon

@edent 1) Create `<a download=”b.html”>` programmatically.
2) Set its `href` attribute to a data URL representation of the `outerHTML` of ``.
3) Programmatically `click` the link.
4) Profit.

via Echofon in reply to edent

@fernap3 Yes, this comes up frequently and is tracked as Feel free to chime in and/or subscribe to the issue to be informed of progress.

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