Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

May 5th, 2022

@kennethrohde This is what I get after staring at the Play button for a good 30s.

via Echofon

@kennethrohde Seems to load fine, but then hangs at the Play ▶️ button for me.

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@patrickbrosset “[B]ased on the Open UI `<select>` spec: the `<selectmenu>` element”: Should there be an Open UI `<selectmenu>` spec then, or is the styleability going to be back-ported to the present `<select>`? What is the end goal here?

via Echofon in reply to patrickbrosset

@zachleat @dalmaer @aerotwist An HTML export from Microsoft Word 97 is fine, too. Whatever works.

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Following his “exvitation”, finally German Federal President Steinmeier and @ZelenskyyUa got together for a call, resulting in @ABaerbock to visit Kyiv soon, and hopefully @OlafScholz, too: Germany #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦.

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@AdaRoseCannon Wow 🤩, that PWA MS Paint pin is nice. Where did you get it from? (CC: @christianliebel of fame.)

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@_williamkennedy @tunetheweb Chapeau, that’s next level. I hop@slightlylatete saw this.

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@diekus @mkeblx There’s even a band called the `.foo` Filers.

via Twitter Web App

Glad that my employer, Google, #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦: “Over the course of six months, a fellowship team of 13 Google employees will work full time and pro-bono with the IRC to help expand”.

via Twitter Web App

It’s okay, it’s no more radiation than you’d get from standing next to a banana.

Don’t stand next to bananas. Got it.

ðŸ 

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@TheRealNooshu @dalmaer I get it now, I was just providing my initial reaction feedback. With many folders accumulating over the years, I just thought this would present them somehow less screen-real-estate-consuming. If I were to label the feature, I’d

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@dalmaer Feedback as an English as a second language speaker: the word “cram” was unclear to me, I was only aware of the “crammed train” meaning, not the “study, revise” meaning. I thought this somehow displays folders in a more space-saving w

via Twitter Web App in reply to dalmaer

@dalmaer (Added it to the 🐡 Project Fugu API Showcase.)

💀 I just found the app “Active Recall”:

Among others, it uses these cool Project Fugu APIs:

💉 Cache Storage
💉 File System Access

(via the 🐡 Project Fug

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@steltenpower Fun fact: if I’m not mistaken on ChromeOS the file explorer is a system Web app, so hacking it and adding your desired column might actually be possible.

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@ericlaw Massive foot gun. Everything is async, though, even when it seems sync: “All access to [[buffer]] is done in promise returning methods and algorithms, so even though operations on it seem sync, implementations can implement them async.”—htt

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