Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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May 29th, 2022

@daKmoR @jordaust @passle_ Periodic Background Sync is the option you have (thanks, @jeffposnick, for confirming), but it’s possible at maximum every 24h, not more often.

via Echofon in reply to daKmoR

@iamdtms @simevidas @jimniels @pepelsbey_ The spec got you there:

Fully transparent. This keyword can be considered a shorthand for transparent black, rgba(0,0,0,0), which is its computed value.

(And with a=0, r,g,b d

via Twitter for iPhone

@simevidas @jimniels @pepelsbey_ The background color is not in the UA stylesheet (neither for light mode [transparent] nor for dark mode [black-ish]):
It s

via Twitter for iPhone

@hussainmurani @Justinwillis96 @andreykalechev This polyfill achieves with existing APIs what the new API gives you. The polyfill can’t magically unlock new features, like, for example, background geolocation. It basically just changes the way to access

via Echofon in reply to hussainmurani

@jeffposnick @passle_ Oh, neat. Of course, I forgot about this demo. His problem may still be the interval of 24h.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to jeffposnick

@passle_ Yes, it’s capped at 24h intervals at max. Not sure if it can trigger a notification, you’d have to try.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to passle_

@passle_ Another idea is to set an app badge: They can be set from a service worker. But also try if periodic background sync works (not sure right now myself).

via Echofon in reply to passle_

@JoubranJad It should work 🤔. I’m pretty sure the flag hasn’t expired. Try if it worsvgco.deANJHz9f (install and then enable it). It was working fine for me.

via Echofon in reply to JoubranJad

💀 If you haven’t heard a@ricmacicmac’s a@webdevhistoryhistory series of articles, you’re clearly missing out. Catch up on all released posts so far in the

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