@Justinwillis96 @hussainmurani @andreykalechev Not really. Geotracking support is tracked as https://t.co/PHMn0RMQeF, but nothing to play with yet.
@portious_banda @googledevs @googlecloud Are you accidentally blocking the CSS URLs maybe? It’s working fine on all the devices I checked on.
dannymoerkerke I just added code snippets to most of the demos at What PWA Can Do Today.
I will added snippets to the other demos soon but these need some work.
What PWA Can Do Today is a showcase of demos of what is possible with PWAs today
@TheRealNooshu Wishing you strength! Hope the numbers point in the right direction rather sooner than later! 💪
RT @jensimmons: Did you know fonts on the web can be in color? They can have several color palettes defined inside, and you can choose whic…
A lot of developers want PDF 🔄 generation support for their apps, as expressed in the Project Fugu 🡠bug and now also a very concrete WHATWG HTML Issue: https://t.co/mXGeUleBFu. Star/subscribe to either of both to be updated of progress. 💀 https:
@AnaestheticsApp Perfect, the Fugu bug and the WHATWG bug are already interconnected. I’m subscribed to both and will signal-boost.
@okikio_dev @ChromiumDev Deeplink: https://t.co/tvtLfj3Emf.
@branmcconnell CC: @robertnyman, @rachelandrew, @foolip.