Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

November 6th, 2019

RT @slightlylate: Super excited about Googlebot support for Web Components, so wrote a tiny test to verify: Googlebot understands Shadow DO…

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RT @mathias: @tomayac This is why @v8js does bytecode caching in that scenario: Zero parse cost!

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@__jakub_g I have no particular knowledge of @webpack, you should probably discuss this with @TheLarkInn et al. Sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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RT @slightlylate: With apologies to @g33konaut, the documentation is opaque, so I made a tiny page to verify what we all hoped: Googlebot u…

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This post by Instagram engineering is brilliant. “[With a high JavaScript cache hit rate] the parsing and execution performance of JavaScript on the CPU becomes the limiting factor rather than the network download time”. https:

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Microsoft Edge is Coming to Linux: 🐧

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RT @googlefonts: Do you need typographic control across five stylistic axes?
Yes, yes you do. 💯
And now you can have it in ✨Recursive✨— a €¦

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@GDGBremen @neuland Thanks again for listening. I’ve left a comment with pointers to the resources from the talk on Meetup:

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