RT @KyleBuchanan8: I just published an article about SEO and web components, a test we did using three approaches to building web component…
thekitze My next talk will be called “But you’re not Facebook”
@ecbos_ That’s why: https://t.co/htnQwpTAeB. It’s going to be a great improvement for custom elements.
Making new experiences possible on the web: https://t.co/yUX5h3NS6w
Intent to Explain: Demystifying the Blink Shipping Process, by â¦@yoavweissâ©: https://t.co/J0YR3GP62m. 🧒â€ðŸ”¬
@denladeside Happy birthday, Sir, hope you have a brilliant day! 🎂
ARIA Virtual Content makes lazy-loaded “virtualized†content discoverable for screen readers: https://t.co/36NVBHcOTd. #BlinkOn
Sweet, Microsoft @MSEdgeDev have a `forced-color-adjust` (https://t.co/Skm0Ok2Q7r) @MSEdgeDev emulation setting. #BlinkOn https://t.co/8ftEeDpMtA