@smfr @FlowBrowser Judging from https://t.co/U9dE47ac8a, this is probably “using the ‘The Man In Blue’ HTML animation benchmark with the number of rendered objects doubled to 1,000 to drive up the intensity of the testâ€: https://t.co/iI489Rs7xz.
@dalmaer @RReverser My naive first idea that might actually work would be: Run https://t.co/k5eQWSyHJ5 and check if the amount of pure black and pure white is above a certain to be determined threshold.
wesbos Browser Default Styles - awesome little app to see the default CSS of elements.
Made after the dev behind this took my JavaScript30 course’s typeahead tut
browserdefaultstyles.com pic.twitter.com/HTR2e4mVm4
@kennethrohde @_zouhir @darktears @MSEdgeDev Neat. I’ve deployed this for others and myself to play around with: https://t.co/GKG8BI06IF. Initially I thought you were talking about `env()` as in https://t.co/FqOldKi4iA.
This childish joy awaiting the hourly cron job and seeing the Webmentions integration work on https://t.co/8L8A32m8rX 😆 (thanks for the tutorial @TheGreenGreek). I’ve also hooked up my RSS feed to @rem’s https://t.co/raaoAN0Ndb and am eagerly waiti
@zeyadetman @eleven_ty Neat. There seems to be a problem with dark mode in the blog section: it only gets dark after manually toggling dark mode, whereas the header correctly gets dark. Some contrast issues, too (hamburger menu gets almost invisible due tpic.twitter.com/ke7zmrIDyg
RT @tomayac: 🎉 New blog post: The redesigned Blogccasion is live:
I’ve completely overhauled the design 🎨 and te…