Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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November 30th, 2019

@smfr @FlowBrowser Judging from, this is probably “using the ‘The Man In Blue’ HTML animation benchmark with the number of rendered objects doubled to 1,000 to drive up the intensity of the test”:

via Echofon

@dalmaer @RReverser My naive first idea that might actually work would be: Run and check if the amount of pure black and pure white is above a certain to be determined threshold.

via Echofon

wesbos Browser Default Styles - awesome little app to see the default CSS of elements.

Made after the dev behind this took my JavaScript30 course’s typeahead tut

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:20 AM, Nov 30th, 2019 via Echofon)

@kennethrohde @_zouhir @darktears @MSEdgeDev Neat. I’ve deployed this for others and myself to play around with: Initially I thought you were talking about `env()` as in

via Echofon

This childish joy awaiting the hourly cron job and seeing the Webmentions integration work on 😆 (thanks for the tutorial @TheGreenGreek). I’ve also hooked up my RSS feed to @rem’s and am eagerly waiti

via Twitter for iPhone

@zeyadetman @eleven_ty Neat. There seems to be a problem with dark mode in the blog section: it only gets dark after manually toggling dark mode, whereas the header correctly gets dark. Some contrast issues, too (hamburger menu gets almost invisible due

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to zeyadetman

RT @tomayac: 🎉 New blog post: The redesigned Blogccasion is live:


I’ve completely overhauled the design 🎨 and te…

via Twitter for iPhone