Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

Now at

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

November 23rd, 2019

RT @pomber: Had to build a new blog and some tools to be able to publish this post with the format I wanted. It took some time but it’s fin…

via Twitter Web App

RT @mathias: 🚀 For large JSON-compatible objects, JSON.parse is faster than JS object literals.

➡️ True for all browser JavaScript engines…

via Echofon

This article by @danburzo on media quer units is brilliant: ⤵️

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @TensorFlow: Introducing Handtrack.js: a library that allows developers to track users’ hands on browser that only takes 3 lines of code…

via Echofon

RT @DasSurma: The main thread is overworked (and underpaid)!


via Echofon

@JohnMu Yeah, it’s on me. We’ve just migrated off DevSite, now it should be a lot easier to implement. It’s just a matter of time.

via Twitter for iPhone

🌒 Dark mode aficionados, my #ChromeDevSummit lightning talk on dark mode has been published on YouTube: 🔺
It’s essentially the TL;DR of 🔚

via Twitter Web App