Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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November 22nd, 2019

@marcenglund @vaadin Note that this is exactly what the light.css / dark.css / common.css architecture does. You set the variables in light.css respectively dark.css, and use them in common.css. No JS needed.

via Twitter Web App in reply to marcenglund

@rob_dodson @nhoizey The core idea is to make everything dependent on the root font size (which in turn you set to 100%, so the user can choose their preferred default size in the browser settings):

body {
font-size: 100%; /* 16px by default, bu

via Twitter Web App in reply to rob_dodson

RT @mrdoob: @tomayac @mathias I wonder if the argument of SMIL not being implemented in all major browsers still stand. 

via Twitter for iPhone

@nhoizey I’m mostly making the case for _not_ setting it to anything absolute; `100%` does not change anything of course :-)

The idea is to make it relative, so you can…

@​media (min-width: 768px) {
body {
font-size: 112.5%;

via Twitter Web App in reply to nhoizey

@marcenglund @vaadin Thanks for the kind words 😊. You can actually make it completely independent from JavaScript by following the loading strategy outlined in I love the `media` attribute on `<link rel=stylesheet>`, it’s inc

via Echofon

@nhoizey @simevidas @igrigorik @ppk @rob_dodson 100% of the user’s global browser font size setting, which defaults to 16px, but can be easily overridden.

via Twitter Web App

@slightlylate @jyasskin @kosamari @beverloo @KenjiBaheux It’s coincidence. I get these annoying DiDi SMS in Germany and was never using their app or site on an Android device, only the iOS app.

via Echofon in reply to slightlylate

This tip by @TimvdLippe went immediately in my git config: ⤵️

via Echofon

RT @MylesBorins: @nodejs If you want to learn more about working with ESM in @nodejs 13 feel free to check out this blog post about the cur…

via Echofon

RT @rauschma: Node.js 13.2.0 is out:
🎉 ES modules are now unflagged!

ℹ️ Details:
— ESM on Node.js:…

via Echofon

@simevidas @igrigorik @ppk Setting the root font size to 100% is one of my favorite tips I learned from

CC: @rob_dodson regarding (I think this is the deep link:

via Echofon

@rowan_m 🤯 We’ve been pitching PWA wrong the entire time.

via Echofon in reply to rowan_m

Safari will soon have (textual) Async Clipboard API support. 💏
Maybe up next: `image/png` support (, requested here:

via Echofon

Great post by @ericlaw on `navigator.registerProtocolHandler()`. ⤵️

via Echofon

@marcenglund @vaadin This will catch color scheme changes, but you also need to initialize it on first load.

via Echofon in reply to marcenglund

@mrdoob @mathias Thinking about it more, probably one should prohibit all network-involving operations to avoid tracking (onhover etc.).

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tomayac

@mrdoob @mathias Definitely cool!
🤔 If SVG <script> were scoped to the enclosing <svg> tags (rather than being global, as spec’ed now), could we then have scripts execute safely in an <img>?

<!— Unreachable —>
<svg […]>
<script>/* Can’t reach ou

via Twitter Web App in reply to mrdoob

@mathias @mrdoob @ppparshekar I wonder why anyone thought global scope for SVG <script> was a good idea: “Any functions defined within any ‘script’ element have a “global” scope across the entire current document.”—

via Twitter for iPhone

I’ve extended my animated SVG favicon demo app to now test SVGs with animations written in CSS, JS, and SMIL.

Turns out, CSS- and SMIL-animated favicons play fine in Firefox (😲), but neither play in Chrome.


via Twitter Web App

Samsa is a really impressive variable fonts explorer: 🔠

via Twitter Web App

@jaffathecake There’s movement on the bug, so here’s hoping:

via Twitter Web App

@igrigorik @stefanjudis @ppk No hard data that I could share, sorry. It’s more popular on mobile: Android Q turns on dark theme with battery safer, and Apple has a pretty solid dark mode onboarding story when on updates to iOS 13. On desktop, it’s har

via Twitter for iPhone