Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @tomayac ever

April 19th, 2020

@jaffathecake @LeonieWatson @Paul_Kinlan I just saw weird ghost pictures that looked night-visiony, never tried it myself. Good luck with the regular torch then, hope you find it!

via Twitter for iPhone

@jaffathecake @LeonieWatson I have absolutely no idea if this is helpful for finding a cat at night (sorry if it’s not), but I recall @Paul_Kinlan playing with the Pixel 4 infrared camera:

via Echofon

RT @shadeed9: ✍️ New Article: Spacing In CSS

I wrote about everything I know about spacing which includes when to use padding vs margin, C…

via Echofon

addyosmani @gauntface Key sizes for performant HTML docs…

(1) What’s my budget for critical-path resources?
In theory, 14.25KB for the initial round-trip, but lots of recent nuance given streaming/TCP/H2:

(2) What DOM node budget I should aim to stay under?
~ < 1500 nodes

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:18 AM, Apr 19th, 2020 via Echofon)

Good thread on the limits of automatic #a11y testing: This was started by the attached @____lighthouse test results for

via Echofon

@mathias @yoavweiss Say ‘revert’ again. Say ‘revert’ again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say ‘revert’ one more Goddamn time!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mathias