@firt @webkit Or, to be precise, WebKit inherits coarse location sharing from the operating system. Question is, as @firt notes, what they will do with it.
@firt Note that coarse location sharing isn’t a new idea at all (but, to be fair, now for the first time implemented by th@webkitit team). See Figure 3 of my paperresearch.google/pubs/pub48156/91. Wonder how they deal with the issues mentioned in the paper. Ge
In-depth thread by @firt on precise or coarse location sharing 🔠in iOS 14 and what of this (if anything, no spoilers) is Web-exposed (in Safari, WKWebView, and home screen apps). Love the constructive call-to-action at the end: https://t.co/oRP2bW2Y5P
@firefox @webkit 🦊 @firefox users can now give the extension a try: https://t.co/V7ZEHpDV86. It’s still marked as Beta and I added the experimental flag on the @Mozilla Add-on Store since the Text Fragment polyfill (for navigation) is still in develo
@LeonieWatson @IRCCloud I don’t think that’s currently possible according to https://t.co/CI8wMR26UG; it’s also not mentioned in one of the Explainers (https://t.co/b8MD8ocuHQ). But, drum roll ðŸ¥, we have a Project Fugu 🡠bug open for this feat
@slightlylate @dfabu @gregwhitworth My understanding of their mission statement is that custom elements, too, should agree on a common (exposed!) structure and behavior, so the underlying implementation can be swapped, and the code touching those elements
RT @samccone: A Brief history of promises, I promise.
https://t.co/bpykMRDAkd https://t.co/IddaxbG4rQ