Thomas Steiner (@tomayac)

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July 23rd, 2020

@mr_dudders Not sure if you have seen the extension, no need to craft those URLs manually: Some more background on the syntax at

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @HTTPArchive: 🆕 We have a new report on HTTP Archive dedicated to tracking the adoption of web platform capabilities, also known as Proj…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @threejs_org: THREE.VideoTexture now uses requestVideoFrameCallback when available.

via Twitter for iPhone

@jieorlin @googlechrome I’m not aware of one, but several posts suggests this can be handled by an extension that you can then assign your preferred shortcut:

via Twitter Web App

@_boraturan That’s correct, your bound by the browser’s refresh rate.

via Twitter Web App in reply to _boraturan

@_boraturan It might still be useful, especially if the videos have very differing frames per second.

via Twitter Web App in reply to _boraturan

@rmadril @ChromiumDev It’s supported on Edge 85 and later, and coming soon to Chrome:

via Twitter Web App

💀 Eye-opening comparison of implementing the same `<my-counter>` component in 33 different ways:

via Twitter Web App

Safari @WebKit finally acknowledges “Partial Support” for the Web App Manifest spec (thanks, @jonathandavis): Safari still doesn’t support icons, which is, like, a pretty central part. Would be nice if it would; here’s the bug: h

via Twitter Web App

RT @ChromiumDev: 🔢 The `requestVideoFrameCallback()` method allows web authors to register a callback that runs in the rendering steps when…

via Twitter for iPhone

Streaming requests with the `fetch()` API: Exciting new way to upload data with a stream.

via Twitter Web App

RT @shadeed9: ✍️ Understanding CSS Multiple Backgrounds

I wrote an article about CSS multiple backgrounds. It starts with a basic intro, a…

via Echofon

@digitarald @zachleat That’s AAA trolling. Love it! Please ship this!

via Echofon

Some useful @GoogleChrome ⌨️ shortcuts:

[⌘ cmd]+[`] to switch between different Chrome _windows_.

[control]-[tab] to switch between different Chrome _tabs_.

Now Windows 10 takes it one step further by optionally including all(!) Edge _tabs_ in [

via Echofon

RT @argyleink: “The Houdini Properties and Values API is coming to your CSS file in Chromium 85

@property: giving superpowers to CSS varia…

via Echofon

I wrote about the `requestVideoFrameCallback()` 🎞 method. If you do stuff with `<video>` and a `<canvas>`, this article is for you!

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @MartinSchierle: I wanted to automatically analyze many URLs from a given domain for #corewebvitals and which elements where a problem f…

via Echofon